grinding finishing machine / centrifugal disc / for tool
5 - 2 x 18 L | CF-T series
INO Group

Associated function:
centrifugal disc
for tool
Min.: 0.4 kVA (0.54 hp)
Max.: 1.8 kVA (2.41 hp)
The CF-T series is an index rotary tables with CNC units for polishing and buffing operations manufactured by COSMAP. It is suitable for deburring and grinding industrial work pieces and finishing jewelry. This series provides an outstandingly good value and is universal in its implementations. It is a high performance disc finishing units in bench top design.
The distinctive patented gap system between the disc and the process container allows the gap to be set with a precision of 0.05mm when utilizing the CF machine for dry process. This makes the very thin work pieces can be processed and the great outcome can be reached by utilizing very fine abrasive media.